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Abiding In The Doctrine of Christ

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“Whoever transgresses (goes onward) and does not abide in the doctrine (teaching) of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine (teaching) of Christ has both the Father and the Son.” (2 Jn. 9). Thus, John said to embrace the doctrine or teaching of Christ and His apostles, is to have God. To abide in His doctrine means to remain true or hold to His teaching. Therefore, Christ’s teaching is not subject to negotiation, because it is vested with His authority. (Col. 3:17).


Liberal and progressive thinkers who “go onward beyond the limits” of the doctrine of Christ abandon God. One cannot reject the teaching of Christ and retain His Father, because to acknowledge the Son is to possess the Father, and to deny the Son is to lose the Father, and when one rejects Christ’s teaching he denies and does not acknowledge Him. So, when one transgresses, and goes onward and advances beyond Christ’s teaching, which is to advance beyond Christ, what they teach cannot be considered progress, but apostasy! In fact, to not abide in Christ’s teaching is foolishness. Jesus said that “Whoever hears My teachings and does them” is a wise man, but “whoever hears My teachings and does not do them” is a fool! (Matt. 7:24-28).


Obviously, there are those who say, “we don’t have to have authority for everything we do in religion.” Tell that to the Lord, in view of 2 John 9. If you want the Father, you cannot bypass His Son. But if you bypass, or go beyond His Son’s teaching (doctrine), you are bypassing Him because Christ’s teaching is the extension of Himself! Think on these things.


Dennis Abernathy

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