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How Is Your Faith? 

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Is your faith as strong as it used to be? Do you pray as often and with as much fervor as you once did? Do you enjoy the peace that passes understanding? When making choices for the use of your time, energy, or money are you able to put the Lord first? Are you courageous in declaring your faith?


These are important questions because faith is an absolute essential to our spiritual survival. “We walk by faith.” We “live by faith!” The Hebrews writer warns that unbelief can cause us to depart from God, Heb. 3:12. If you see within you signs of a weakening f aith, you would do well to identify the danger.


Here are some threats to our faith: It is a sign of possible danger when a Christian becomes lax in studying the Word. (Remember, “faith comes by hearing the word of God,” Rom. 10:17.) Have you placed yourself in faith situations? Hebrews 3:13 tells us we can become hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. The company we keep, the material we read, the television we watch can gradually change our appetites, aspirations, and convictions. We may have even deceived ourselves into thinking that we have not weakened, but when in reality we have become blind to our great danger. 


If you see that your faith is threatened, meet the danger. “Abstain from every form of evil.”  Schedule some time for daily study and meditation of the Word. Seek out companions who encourage growth in faith. Exercise and perfect your faith by use--with all your might practice what you believe. Eternity hangs in the balance. What will you do about it? 


Marvin Noble 

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Brighton, Sussex


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