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New Testament Christianity
When you visit the Brighton church of Christ you will find a group of friendly people. You should expect a warm and courteous welcome because you are our honoured guest. We want you to know that we care primarily for the spiritual needs of people, that is the need for a relationship with God, forgiveness of sins, reverence for God and pure living.
We are not affiliated to any denomination. We are a body of baptised believers who hold the Bible to be God's inspired Word to man. Our teaching and practices are guided by the Bible. When you visit us we will not ask you to pledge ten percent of your income as some religious organisations do, because the law of Christ does not authorize such practice. The congregation is funded by its own members who voluntary make financial contributions towards its work, the most important part of it being the spreading of the gospel of Christ (Mark 16:15-16).
We use no mechanical instruments but our voices when singing to God during assembly worship according to Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16. We do not perform miracles neither do we speak in unknown and unlearned tongues simply because none of us possesses such power. In fact, no human being now living does. The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 that with the completion of the New Testament there would be no need for more miracles; the purpose of miracles was to confirm God's Word (Mark 16:20). You will not see us practise Holy Spirit baptism as this was directly administered by Jesus in the first century in Acts 2 and 10, not administered by men.
Every week, we assemble on Sunday to worship God and honour His Son, Jesus Christ, for dying on the Cross to pay the price for the sins of the human family. The worship will be simple and will have five different parts: singing, prayer, communion, contribution and preaching. Before worship we spend some time studying the Bible so as to find in there the pattern of New Testament Christianity and practise it. We encourage discussion during Bible study. If you would like to make comments or ask questions when you attend you are welcome to do so.
We believe that the Bible contains the pattern for becoming a Christian, worshipping God and for living life as a Christian. We invite you to come and study with us the Bible.