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The Bible's Amazing Revelations 

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In reading and studying the Bible, questions will arise about the people and their regions, and about the changes they made in history. There’s a lot of really interesting stuff to learn about the Bible beyond its core message. 


Not being able to have room for all the amazing facts. Here are just a few. 


1. The Bible was written in three languages Those languages are Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.


2. The Bible is about 611,000 words long.


3. The longest book of the Bible is Jeremiah. 


4. The shortest book of the Bible is 3 John. 


5. The Bible was written by more than 40 different authors, over a span of about 1500 years. The amazing fact is they didn’t know each other, yet never contradicted each other. The reason they could not can be read in 2 Peter 1:9-21.


6. The Bible was written by people from diverse occupational backgrounds. Parts of the Bible were written by kings, half of Psalms, a good chunk of Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes seem to be penned by royalty. But other parts of the Bible are written by farmers, fishermen, a tentmaker, homeless prophets, a doctor, a professional scribe, vocational musicians, preachers, etc.


7. There are at least 185 songs in the Bible.


8. Some of the “First” and “Second” books were divided after they were written. If the books of 1 & 2 Kings were combined, they would be the longest book of the Bible. I bring that up because 1 & 2 Kings were originally written as one book. The same goes for 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Chronicles.


9.The authorship of the book of Hebrews has remained anonymous. 


10. The word “Trinity” is never mentioned in the Bible, but they are identified in Matt 3:16; 28:19; Jude 20-21. God eternally exists in three persons. 


11. The Bible was written on three continents Europe, Africa, Asia.

12. Now the most amazing revelation of the Bible. The only book on earth that gives God’s perfect plan of salvation and path to eternal life. Of the zillions of other books, none will get you help, blessings and wisdom for the entire person. This is the only writings that man did not write. Every word was inspired of God and sent down from heaven. It is the only writing that is alive– “The Living Word.” -
Rom 1:16; Heb 4:12


That tells me that all in this world better be sure to have different feelings about the Bible, as it is God speaking to the entire human race, until the end of the world (Hebrews 1:1-2). Those who obey the words of Christ will never die spiritually (John 8:52). If you want to live on after this life, study and obey the commandments of Jesus.


Jerral Kay 

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