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The Challenge To Discover The Right Religion 

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The world is filled with hundreds and hundreds of religious faiths. They are obviously too contradictory to have come from the same God. If that is true, and it is, then they must be man-made religions. One of life’s challenges is to discover the right religion i. e., the one God gave. If you believe the Bible to be God’s inspired Word, I offer you the following biblical suggestions.


First, seek the truth with a real desire to do whatever God commands. Jesus said: “If anyone wants to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine.” (Jn. 7: 17). This speaks to the readiness or desire or strong determination to do God’s will. A person seeking truth out of mere curiosity, instead of s desire to obey God, does not have the same assurance of success that God gives those who really want to obey Him. The honest and sincere heart will seek in the right place, the Scriptures; in the right way, sincerely; and for the right purpose; to be saved, and to do the will of God. Second, be willing to change whenever you discover you’ve been mistaken about a religious belief or practice. This is part of having the “honest and good heart” Jesus spoke of. (Lk. 8: 15). Third, be careful about what you do accept. Be willing to accept whatever is true, but don’t gullibly accept anything without proof. (1 Thess. 5: 21). Be open-minded toward new ideas, but search the Scriptures to determine if they are true. (Acts 17: 11). Fourth, don’t be discouraged by disagreements among other religious people. Not everyone approaches the Bible with the right attitude. Don’t let controversy quench your determination to uncover and find the real truth. Remember, Jesus said: “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (Jn. 8: 32). Think on these things. 


Dennis Abernathy 

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