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Thoughts From The Book Of Job

The book of Job is not as much about Job and his faith as it is about God and how He operates. Job was being tested, to be sure, but God even more so. Does God bless Job for nothing? Is God being unfair and unjust? Is God the true adversary? Does God punish the way that the friends suggested? The questions about God are numerous.
We struggle with similar questions and issues. We often put God on trial as if He is amenable to us. We, like Job, may think that if we had God here in front of us we would be able to defend ourselves (31:35-37). Yet, when God appeared, Job could only put his hand on his mouth (40:3-5).
Putting our hands on our mouths may be the wisest thing we can do at times, especially when it comes to questioning God and His ways. We are not in a position to know what He knows or understand what He understands. Because of this, we are not in the position of being righteous judges and critics. “Shall a faultfinder contend with the Almighty? He who argues with God, let him answer it” (40:2).
The book stands as a stark reminder that we need humility and that in humility is where true faith and strength reside. God need not give an accounting of Himself to me or you. Rather, we are accountable to Him, and only when we really get that will be find true purpose. “‘Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?’ Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.” (42:3).
In all of our highbrow theological debates, I wonder sometimes if God would answer us the way He spoke to Job and his friends: “Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?” (38:2) In other words, “You have no idea what you are talking about.” Indeed.
So today, I am reminded of my need to back up and listen to the Lord’s wisdom.
Doy Moyer