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What Acts 2:38 Does Not Say

Sometimes, when we consider what a passage of Scripture does NOT say, what the passage DOES say is vividly impressed upon our hearts. For example, in Acts 2, when those Jews on the day of Pentecost asked Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren what shall we do,” what did Peter say? Peter’s preaching had indicted them of crucifying the Messiah whom they had been looking for (v. 23, 36), and they wanted to know what they should do to be saved from the sin and guilt of such a horrible deed.
You will notice that Peter DID NOT SAY “You are already saved since you have already believed.” He DID NOT SAY “since you are a sinner you need to say the following prayer for forgiveness.” He DID NOT SAY “just invite Christ into your heart and accept Him as your personal Savior.” He DID NOT SAY “Confess that God for Christ’s sake has pardoned your sins.” He DID NOT SAY “just bow down and pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit.”
Well, what did Peter say? He actually SAID, “Repent, and be baptized everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Why is it then, that people, in answer to the question: “What shall we do to be saved?” continue to tell folks things the inspired apostle DID NOT SAY? My friend, will you trust the salvation of your soul on what Peter DID NOT SAY, or will you, as did those on Pentecost, gladly receive and do what Peter really DID say? (Acts 2: 41). Think on these things.
Dennis Abernathy